Kilts Ahoy! Read online

Page 19

  He’d drained the last drop of his seed into Teagan’s welcoming warmth. It would be a while before he could enter her again. Or so he thought. The warm breath tickling his back and the delicate fingertips trailing lazily up his thigh put the lie to that notion.

  His swelling cock needed no further encouragement when she whispered seductively, “How often can we join together?”

  He turned to face her, elated when she curled her hand around him. “As often as we like,” he managed to reply.

  She gazed into his eyes, giving him the impression there was something she wanted to say. He tweaked a pebbled nipple, hoping to encourage her to express her feelings about what had transpired between them.

  Her reply took him completely off guard.

  “Can I taste ye?” she asked, giggling when his rod saluted her request.

  Heart racing, he braced himself as she shoved off the linens with her feet and sat cross-legged beside him. Gathering the curtain of chestnut hair as she bent her head, he inhaled sharply when she licked the tip of his arousal and took him into her mouth.

  Eyes closed, he floated on a cloud of bliss. Life had changed completely, seemingly overnight. He was laird of his clan, a role he had never coveted but which he humbly recognized now was his destiny.

  More importantly, he’d found a wife who seemed to know instinctively what pleased him. He’d had no qualms about his manhood fitting inside her sheath but this was a different story. Yet, she seemed to relish his fullness in her mouth as she suckled and licked; her grip on him grew stronger as he neared completion. He nigh on bellowed his euphoria when she cupped his sac.

  Much as the arrogant male in him wanted to watch her reaction when his seed erupted, he didn’t want to waste a single drop. “Stop,” he croaked, opening his eyes.

  She raised her head.

  It took less than a second for the lust in her glazed eyes, the swollen lips, and the creamy pink folds on full display to convince him he’d made the right decision.


  Teagan squealed involuntarily when Marshall dragged her to the edge of the big bed, flipped her over onto her belly and lifted her hips.

  She felt very unladylike with her bottom in the air and an unmentionable part of her body she’d never seen exposed to her husband’s view from his vantage point beside the bed. She wasn’t certain what was happening and was disappointed not to again watch his seed erupt from his body, something she sensed from the thickening of his manhood was imminent. The intense pleasure on his face had nigh on moved her to tears.

  Disappointment fled when he gripped her hips, nestled his manhood at her entry and eased inside.

  She groaned with pleasure as his fullness penetrated even deeper than before.

  “Teagan,” he growled, as his thrusts became more urgent. “I…”

  Whatever he intended to say died in his throat, but no words were necessary. She understood. They’d embarked together on a voyage to a realm where a man and a woman shared the most intensely intimate union.

  Being ladylike was of no importance, so she arched her back and ground her bottom hard against his thighs. Growling came naturally when he reached for her breasts and squeezed her nipples. Grunting was appropriate, so, like him, she grunted loudly when his fingers touched her nether lips and rapture exploded. Screaming was inevitable when his seed bathed her womb. Happiness wrapped its loving arms around her heart when he collapsed on top of her, gasping for breath.


  Marshall carefully eased his body alongside his wife’s, but, again, his plan to stay inside his wife eventually proved impossible when his happy cock curled up at her opening. He nuzzled his nose into her nape, inhaling the aroma of their lovemaking. She’d been silent since the cataclysm had overwhelmed them. He didn’t know how to tell her he’d never before experienced the intense joy their union had brought him. She’d touched his very soul, but he worried she might think he’d behaved like an animal.

  “I hope I didna hurt ye,” he whispered.

  When she turned to face him, he chuckled inwardly, brushing his thumb over the drool on her chin. “Did I interrupt a dream?” he asked.

  She swiped self-consciously at the same spot. “Was I snoring?”

  He frowned, feigning outrage. “Ye snore?”

  She eyed him suspiciously. “Ye’re teasing me.”

  He tensed when she cupped his sac. “Maybe I’ll tease ye back.”

  The light pressure of her fingers quickly stirred pleasant urges at the base of his spine. “I’ll ne’er get enough of ye,” he rasped, taking her into his embrace.

  She traced a fingertip over his lips. “Ye didna hurt me,” she whispered, lowering her gaze to his chin. “I loved every moment of it. Ye carried me into a realm…”

  She seemed lost for words. He pecked a kiss on her forehead. “I canna explain it either,” he confessed. “I want ye so badly, I turn into an animal.”

  She stretched a leg over his hip and smiled the indulgent smile of a woman who’s been well-bedded. “I love the animal in ye, my laird.”

  Dressing for Dinner

  Getting dressed took a while. Teagan discovered being helped to put clothes on by a naked husband was almost as arousing as having him undress her.

  “Aren’t ye glad ye didna rip this lovely gown?” he teased. “I couldna allow my wife to appear at her wedding banquet in a torn frock.” He looked up at the ceiling. “What would folks think?”

  “That their laird has more than fulfilled his duty to his bride,” she replied, smoothing the creases in the copious silk skirts.

  His teasing smile fled as he put his hands on her waist and looked into her eyes. “I didna consider it a duty,” he rumbled.

  “I ken,” she said, regretting her too-hasty reply. She cupped his beloved face in her hands. “Our joining is like a voyage to the stars. For a few moments of ecstasy, I’m afloat amid the wonders of the universe.”

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “Exactly.”

  The warmth of his skin and the husky timbre of his voice were sure signs he wanted her again, but… “We’re already late to our own banquet.” She stepped back and eyed his arousal. “Do ye intend to dress or will ye let yer clansmen see what a magnificent mon they’ve installed as their chieftain?”

  “Minx,” he replied. “I’ll need a valet.”

  Warmth blossomed low in her belly. “We might be delayed further if I take on that role,” she confessed.

  “Do yer worst,” he quipped, arms held wide.

  She helped him put his shirt back on over his head, resisting the urge to run her hand over the rippling muscles of his torso. His eyes never left hers as she pulled the trews up over his hips. She worried she might hurt him when she eased his arousal into the confines of the wool.

  “Yer touch can ne’er hurt me,” he rasped, clearly sensing her concern.

  The temptation to join with him again was too great. “Mayhap we have time. I could…”

  He shook his head. “Nay. The coupling will be sweeter if we wait. I’ll enjoy watching ye squirm during the banquet.”

  “I see I’ve wed a mon who likes to tease,” she replied, sending a silent prayer of thanks heavenward.

  He held out his plaid and clan brooch. “Would ye have it otherwise? Now, a good valet would ken how to suitably arrange this.”


  When he and Teagan were dressed, refreshed and ready, Marshall opened the door of his chamber. He was surprised to discover his wife’s hound sprawled across the threshold. “’Tis yer dog,” he said as the animal stretched lazily and yawned, wagging its tail when his mistress appeared in the doorway.

  She hunkered down, laughing as the dog licked her face. “Bo! Have ye been here all afternoon?”

  She blushed when the dog pressed his nose to the juncture of her thighs and then looked up at Marshall.

  He kens she’s mine now.

  Just then, Beathan and Archie appeared. “Bo must have come from home by himself,” the Ma
cCray laird claimed. “We didna bring him.”

  Marshall knew what Teagan was about to ask when she looked up at him. “Aye, such a faithful dog can surely stay with his mistress.”

  However, just like the hound, the brothers needed to understand their sister was his responsibility now. He put a protective arm around her waist.

  Apparently sensing Marshall had his guard up, Archie grinned broadly. “We didna want to interrupt the bride and groom,” he explained, “but we’ve been tasked by Lady Moira with conveying a message. The folks in the hall are getting restless.”

  “My aunty sent ye?” Marshall asked.

  “She insisted,” Beathan replied.

  Marshall hesitated to disclose his concern, but had to prepare them for any eventuality. His volatile aunt might even publicly denounce his elevation to the chieftaincy. “Does she seem weel?”

  “Oh, aye,” Archie replied, still grinning. “She’s kept everyone entertained while they waited for ye.”

  “Entertained?” Teagan asked as she stood, hooking her fingers in Bo’s collar.

  “Organized the fiddlers, got people up on their feet dancing, even danced a few reels.”

  Marshall couldn’t recall ever seeing Moira dance. “She’s borne the burden of a guilty secret for so long,” he said. “Perhaps now she feels free.”

  Everyone chuckled when Bo barked his agreement, straining to pull Teagan to the hall.


  Teagan was delighted to discover many MacCray clansmen and women had made the trek to Castle Robson to help celebrate her marriage. She had no way of knowing how things had gone when MacCrays began arriving in the hall of their former enemies. By the time she and Marshall arrived, folks from both clans were dancing and singing together. Smiling like a contented cat, Moira stood on the sidelines, clapping in time to the music.

  The ale had apparently flowed freely and the arrival of the newlyweds was greeted with raucous cheering. Even Elgin cheered and whistled, his face bright red.

  “I think yer brother is relieved ye’ve taken over as chieftain,” Teagan whispered, though no one could have heard her remark amid the din.

  Moira skipped over to them, her face flushed. “Here ye are at last,” she exclaimed, wiggling her eyebrows as she cackled with laughter. “Ye’re missing a grand party.”

  She eyed Marshall. “Mind ye take good care of this bonny lass.”

  He pecked a kiss on her cheek. “I guarantee it, Aunty.”

  Teagan unexpectedly found herself being hugged by Moira. “Ye’re a gift from God. The perfect wife for my Marshall. I kent it as soon as I set eyes on ye.”

  Teagan blinked back the tears. “I love him, Aunty Moira, and I thank ye for making sure we could be together.”

  “Me? I did naught. True love will always win out.” She bent to stroke Bo’s head. “I love this dog, by the way.”

  Teagan glanced at her husband. “Last time she saw Bo, she couldn’t wait to get rid of him,” she whispered.

  “Aye, weel, what can I say?” he replied with a shrug.

  The fiddlers noticed the newlyweds had arrived and gradually ceased playing as Teagan and Marshall climbed the steps to the head table on the dais.

  She hesitated when her husband pulled out an elaborately carved chair for her.

  “This hasna been used since the last Lady Robson sat in it,” he said proudly.

  The folks gathered for the banquet roared their approval when she acknowledged the honor with a nod and sat. However, the bigger cheer resounded when Marshall took his rightful place in the massive laird’s chair for the first time.


  As the banquet drew to a close, Marshall soaked up the festive atmosphere. “I canna recall the last time this hall witnessed such a celebration,” he confided to Teagan.

  “Weel,” she replied. “Yer clan has a new Laird Robson.”

  He took her hand and lifted it to his lips. “And a new Lady Robson. Folks from yer clan seem happy to see ye wed.”

  “Aye, and I think they are relieved the feud is over.”

  He meshed his fingers with hers. “’Tis an awesome responsibility we’ve been given.”

  She nodded, twirling her thumb in his palm. “Leading our clans into a new future willna always be easy.”

  Distracted by the erotic effects of her innocent gesture, it took him a moment to gather his thoughts. “Aye. Some people resist change even when ’tis for their benefit.”

  She looked out over the revelers. Elgin was dancing a reel. “What about yer brother? Do ye think he’ll still be as amenable when he sobers up?”

  Marshall narrowed his eyes, hoping his belief that Elgin had changed was true. “To be honest, I dinna think he’s inebriated, except, maybe, he’s drunk with relief. He kent he wasna a good laird. Now, he doesna have to worry about meeting everyone’s expectations.”

  His wife opened her mouth to reply then became distracted when she lifted the table cloth and peered at the planked floor. “I just realized Bo isna sprawled at my feet.”

  He scanned the crowd, chuckling when his eyes lit on the hound sitting obediently next to Moira. His aunty was playing with the dog’s ears, all the while chatting with Cooper and Finlay. “Yonder,” he pointed. “Seems he’s found a new lass to protect.”

  “Traitor,” she declared with a naughty grin that had him plotting a quick means of escape to their chamber.

  He put a consoling arm around her shoulders. “Dinna fash. Ye ken he’ll always be yer hound, but perhaps he senses Moira needs him too.”


  Teagan didn’t have time to ponder Marshall’s words when Beathan rose from his seat beside her and called for the attention of the crowd. He had it within the space of a minute.

  “Can ye imagine such a thing happening just scant weeks ago?” she whispered to her husband.

  “They respect him.”

  “But they’ve only met him today.”

  “’Tis his bearing. They sense he’s a good laird.”

  Teagan looked at her eldest brother through new eyes. There was something about him that commanded respect, a reminder of their father. “Yer people see the same thing in ye,” she replied.

  “Cinneadh na mara,” Beathan shouted, raising his tankard.

  “Clan of the Sea,” came the resounding echo from the Robsons.

  “Tha a ’mhuir nar fuil,” he yelled, his tankard still held high.

  “The sea’s in our blood,” the MacCrays roared in reply.

  There was a moment of stunned silence as it dawned on folks how similar the mottos of both clans were.

  Beathan winked at her, clearly pleased his ploy had produced the effect he wanted. “Aye,” he said softly into the silence. “The sea is our mistress.” He let his eyes rove over the nodding crowd before raising a fist. “But, together, we will tame her.”

  He allowed the deafening roar to go on for several minutes. “However…”

  A hush fell, all eyes on a laird they might have slain had he ventured into their castle scant days ago.

  “We are here today to celebrate a union that will ensure a strong alliance between our clans.”

  “Aye,” the crowd agreed.

  “But this is no marriage of convenience. ’Tis clear Marshall and Teagan love each other, and that will be their strength as they lead us into the future.”

  Cheering ensued.

  “I understand yer laird’s besottedness with my sister all too weel,” Beathan added in a softer tone. “She has seven brothers, ye ken. Imagine how difficult that must be for a young lass, especially here in the wilds of Caithness. Yet, Teagan has always been the glue that has kept our family together.”

  Scarcely able to breathe, Teagan was glad of Marshall’s strong arm as he gathered her to his chest.

  “She’s our pride and joy, our wee sister. Oh, aye, we’ve teased her mercilessly and, on occasion, she’s been a pain in the arse…”

  Hoots of laughter echoed in sympathetic understanding.
/>   “Join me in a toast to the health of yer new Lady Robson.”

  The resulting uproar of foot stomping and cheering left Teagan with no choice but to stand in acknowledgment, though she worried her constricted throat would strangle whatever words might emerge. “’Tis true I live in the wilds of Caithness,” she began. “But I love these awesome shores, these magnificent cliffs that defy nature’s fury every day.”

  She paused, scanning expectant faces, struggling to get her thoughts organized as she addressed her new clan for the first time. “When a lass grows up with seven protective brothers, how can she fail to inherit their love of the sea and their pride in family?”

  Encouraged by nodding heads, she continued. “Now, I’ve been lucky enough to wed a mon I love, and who loves me in return. Could a lass ask for more? I am truly blessed. I promise all of ye I will serve this clan to the very best of my ability.”

  Amid the applause, she regained her seat, blinking back tears as many women in the crowd wiped their eyes.

  Beathan took hold of one hand, Marshall the other.

  She felt both men tense when Elgin got to his feet and declared, “Now, a toast to the groom.”


  Marshall groaned inwardly. He’d had a sinking feeling all evening that something was bound to go wrong. He hoped his assertion was correct and Elgin wasn’t drunk. His mouth had been known to run away with itself. He could easily destroy the atmosphere of reconciliation, probably without even realizing what he was saying.

  Elgin raised his tumbler then looked out at the crowd. “Er…”

  Arms folded, several in the audience lifted their gaze to the rafters. Their former laird wasn’t known for his gift of oratory.

  Marshall worried his swaying brother had completely forgotten the reason he’d come to his feet. If he blurted out something damaging to their mother’s reputation…

  “Trust him,” Teagan whispered, meshing her fingers with his.

  “Friends,” Elgin finally declared, squaring his shoulders. “I canna adequately express my happiness for my dear brother.”